

Mr Martimort successfully endorsed responsibilities with the Group for more than eight years, including four years at the Hong Kong and Singapore Asia Pacific Regional Office. He was previously Regional Office Senior Commercial Manager and Head of Trade at the CMA CGM Regional Office in Dubai.

在此之前曾任职于香港<a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>法国</a>商会-<a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>德国</a>海派


Romain Martimort新任命为达飞中国首席商务官 Nomination of CMA CGM China CCO

2021年12月14日 11时 达飞轮船中国


世界领先航运物流团体达飞近期公布任命罗曼(Romain Martimort)先生为达飞中国首席商务官。罗曼先生将全面负责达飞中国的所有贸易组织事务。他将会继续开发创新解决方案,以更好、更有效的方式为达飞团体的中国和全球客户服务。
CMA CGM, a world leader in shipping and logistics, is pleased to announce the nomination of Romain Martimort as Chief Commercial Officer for China. He will be responsible for CMA CGM China’s entire commercial organization. His missions will be to continue to develop innovative solutions to serve our Chinese and global customers in better and more effective ways.

Holding a master’s degree from ESDES Business School in France, Romain worked at the Hong Kong French Chamber of Commerce before joining CMA CGM eight years ago.

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